Welcome to Greensboro Bird Control: Prevention and Removal of Unwanted Birds

Our company specializes in resolving problems caused by birds in Greensboro, North Carolina, both residential and commerical. We handle bird species such as pigeons, starlings, grackles, sparros, and even Canada Geese and woodpeckers. We generally don't kill birds - we prevent them from causing problems. Most commonly, this means that we install barriers that prevent them access to your building or property, or anti-roosting devices that prevent them from landing, nesting, or roosting on your home, store, building, or anywhere. We use netting, needle strips, shock track, and more. We do offer trapping in some cases, and removal of birds from warehouses, grocery stores, or other commerical or industrial buildings by netting or sometimes pellet shooting. We have a wide variety of tools and methods for solving every manner of bird problem. Call us at 336-690-5473 to discuss your bird problem today.



Stop Birds From Accessing Your Space

We stop birds from entering almost any space by installing netting. It is strong and durable, but thin and black so that it is not visually distracting. We can prevent birds from flying or roosting under awnings, roofs, or any other architectural area.



Stop Birds From Landing Or Roosting

We install needle strips or shock track on ledges, beams, the tops of signs, and anywhere birds are roosting and causing unsightly and unhealthy droppings. We can reach any area with our ladders and boom lifts.



We Clean Droppings and Nesting Material

Birds can make a mess with their droppings - on your building, roof, or the ground, or any other area. Sometimes bird guano and nesting material accumulate. We professionally clean and decontaminate the area.

Our Work

Full Range of Bird Control Services

More About Us Greensboro Bird Control:

Our company has more than a decade of service excellence. We have a tradition of delivering quality and prompt bird removal and exclusion services performed by our experienced, professional, and well-trained staff and technicians. With our proven track record, you can expect that we will provide you with a consistent and satisfying result. We have dealt with the most challenging and complicated bird problems, and we can guarantee that we can solve them no matter how complex your situation may seem. Take advantage of our free consultation and inspection; schedule your appointment today, and we will immediately assign a technician that suits you. Founded in the latter years of the 2000s, our founders have dealt with birds and other wildlife animals since the 1980s. They have worked as wildlife rescue volunteers. Eventually, they noticed the need to deliver an alternative solution to the masses. Back then, many birds and non-targeted animals will be killed through the use of lethal traps, poisons, toxic fumes, glue traps, and other inhumane solutions. Nowadays, our technicians and specialists must go through at least 100 hours of training before they are allowed to go out on the field. Our people have all the certifications and licenses that enable them to legally conduct the services according to the state's regulations. Contact our experts today, and you will understand the enormous difference that we can offer.

Can Pigeons Make You Sick?

We all know that pigeons are a pest animal that can leave an awful mess behind (droppings), but what many of us aren't aware of is the exact level of danger that is present when this flying pest is also present. Some of the diseases that you can catch from these seemingly innocent looking birds are not ones that you will have heard of before, but we're starting to see an increase in diagnosed cases, particularly in the United States of America. When you bear in mind that the pigeon was only brought into the USA at some point during the 1600's, and that most of the pigeons you see today are feral pigeons derived from tame/domesticated pigeons, you must admit that they've done a great job in conquering the planet. They are now one of the most common pests and birds in most places across the globe, and they have a little penchant for urban areas with lots of people, because lots of people usually means lots of mess and food.

If you didn't already know, pigeons bring with them an inherent risk of salmonella poisoning — the common tummy bug. The bacteria that causes this upset stomach that usually lasts for a couple of days at most (in the majority of cases) is found in the droppings of pigeons (and also within pigeon meat).

That might not sound so bad, but E.coli certainly is. This is a more intense version of the simple tummy bug, and in around ten percent of cases, can cause life-threatening complications. HUS or hemolytic uremic syndrome is one of them, and can start to appear once the upset stomach itself has gone away. This can seriously affect the kidneys, requiring very serious medical treatment to put right, and some patients die as a direct result of kidney complications and failure.

Early diagnosis and treatment is essential for treating more serious cases, but this can be difficult when you aren't even aware that you've come in contact with the bacteria — or pigeons — at all.

This is how simple transmission could be:

A pigeon roosts or lands on your roof, defecating as it does so. That defecation material then ends up in the guttering, and is washed through the pipes when the next lot of heavy rain comes. That rainwater is washed into a large barrel that you then use to water your garden without using your garden hose. You water your flowers and a vegetable patch, happy in the knowledge that your plants are growing fit and healthy. Without even thinking about you, one of the kids, or maybe even one of your pets eats something that those plants bear — berries, beans, seeds, etc. The contamination happened in the water. The pigeon defecation spread the bacteria into the water source.

*This is why it is very important that you wash any food that you plan on eating, particularly fruit and vegetables ... just in case.

Contamination can happen in a number of ways, but soil and water as well we direct contact are the most common. What you need to remember about pigeon defecation is that it hardens and dries, and this can make the outer parts of the droppings dusty. Any disease particles found on those droppings are sent into the air when the droppings are swept up, kicked up, or moved with a slight breeze, and that sends those disease spores airborne. This isn't a successful method of disease transmission for all pigeon-borne diseases, but has been shown to cause the spread of Histoplasmosis and others.

Pigeons can make you sick. Salmonella and E.coli are just the tip of the iceberg. This is not a job that you should attempt to do on your own if you are inexperienced, and certainly not if you don't have the right protective gear. The cost of professional pigeon removal and cleanup might be higher than you're willing to pay, but the alternative could mean paying with your life.

Also read our other bird tip: How to keep pigeons out of a barn

We have the most experience in Greensboro at understanding the nuisance birds of North Carolina. Our 7 years of experience in the field ensures excellent results.

We pride ourselves on the quality of our bird control work. Our work is professional grade and long lasting, usually for the life of the building.

We are fully North Carolina licensed. We carry the correct safety equipment, and operate in a safe and professional manner to keep your building and people safe.

Call us at 336-690-5473 to discuss your bird problem and our process. We are always responsive by phone. We can usually schedule next-day appointments, and provide written estimates for all our bird work.